"Green" value creation in the fiber-based supply chain

As one of the world's largest consumers of resources, the textile industry must take responsibility and reduce its resource consumption through regional circular economy practices. Resources and materials used once must be preserved for as long as possible. This requires a transformation from linear economy to a resource-efficient, ecologically meaningful circular economy.

circular economy preserves global resources along the value chains by avoiding, reducing, and returning used raw materials.

from linear

to circular



Resilience within supply chain

now for tomorrow

Our Mission:

We aim to accelerate the transition from "linear to circular" in the fiber-based industry!

CycleTex BW takes on this challenging task and develops a wide range of effective approaches to reduce resource consumption in the fiber-based industry.

Reduction of production waste

Returning waste to the (own) production process through new technologies.

Increasing the proportion of secondary raw materials and recyclates through new processes

Substitution of poorly recyclable materials

Establishment of a trading platform for production waste

Development of new business models (in terms of new value creation models)

Our Vision:

Let's work together to reduce resource consumption in the fiber-based industry!

The use of fiber-based materials must become more resilient and sustainable to remain viable for the future. It's time to rethink processes, collaborate on solutions, and reshape the future together.

Our Motivation:

Future-proofing: Ecological innovations become a crucial competitive factor that we want to utilize for our industry.

CycleTex BW Marketplace - Transformation Place

This is the platform where ideas are sparked. Here, you can ask questions, find like-minded individuals and partners, trade materials, request recyclates, or find information about disposal. At the CycleTex Transformation Place, we aim to harness shared visions to drive ecological innovations: Systematically. Agile. Collaboratively.

Become Part of the Circular Economy.
Join CycleTex BW.

CycleTex BW relies on the collaboration of many actors from various value chains and different industries - extending beyond the textile sector. Only together can innovative solutions for a regional circular economy emerge.

AFBW has already formed a large consortium for CycleTex BW with actors from science, industry, associations, and politics. These actors have supported AFBW with a Letter of Intent (LOI), endorsed the project, and now want to advance the vision of a fiber-based circular economy together with the network.

Circular Economy - Added Value for the Economy
CycleTex BW aims to close and expand cycles, accelerate the necessary transformation, and support with tailored solutions. Circular Economy opens up opportunities for the economic location of Baden-Württemberg.

Location Security
Circular Economy enhances the competitiveness of companies along the fiber-based value chain in the region. With recycled material innovations, innovative recycling solutions, and new (secondary) raw material sources, Baden-Württemberg can become an international leader in sustainable circular economy.

Stable Supply Chains
Regional economic cycles support the establishment of resilient and flexible supply networks, thereby making a significant contribution to the stability of supply chains and the raw material resilience of the processing industry in Baden-Württemberg.

Then get in touch directly!

CycleTex BW relies on the innovative power of a strong community. Become part of it and learn about all project components and opportunities that the sustainability project of AFBW offers.

We look forward to your call or email.

Sadiah Steibli,
0711 / 2105013